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Empty class and Tag dispatching 본문


Empty class and Tag dispatching

lancelot50 2022. 7. 15. 00:28
  • Tag dispatching
    • empty class 를 이용해서 함수 오버로딩을 설명적인 코드로 만드는 테크닉
    • tag dispatching 에 사용되는 empty class 를 tag_type이라고도 함
  • Tag dispatching 예시 1

struct adopt_lock_t
	explicit adopt_lock_t() = default;

constexpr adopt_lock_t adopt_lock;

template<class Mutex>
class lock_guard
public :
	using mutex_type = Mutex;
	explicit lock_guard(Mutex& mtx) : mtx(mtx)	{ mtx.lock();}
	explicit lock_guard(Mutex& mtx, adopt_lock_t) : mtx(mtx) { }

	~lock_guard() noexcept { mtx.unlock(); }

	lock_guard(const lock_guard&) = delete;
	lock_guard& operator=(const lock_guard&) = delete;

	Mutex& mtx;

std::mutex m1,m2;

int main()
	lock_guard g1(m1);

	lock_guard g2(m2, adopt_lock);
//	lock_guard g2(m2, {} ); adopt_lock_t = {}  를 error 로 만들기 위해 생성자가 명시적으로 있어야하도록 함


  • Tag dispatching 예시 2

std::mutex m;

int main()
	std::unique_lock u1(m, std::adopt_lock);
	std::unique_lock u2(m, std::defer_lock);
	std::unique_lock u3(m, std::try_to_lock);

	int* p1 = new int[10]; // 실패시 std::bad_alloc 예외 발생
	delete[] p1;

	int* p2 = new(std::nothrow) int[10]; // 실패시 0 반환
	delete[] p2;


// Mutex lock 을 위한 empty class ( C++11 )
struct adopt_lock_t { explicit adopt_lock_t() = default; };
struct defer_lock_t { explicit defer_lock_t() = default; };
struct try_to_lock_t { explicit try_to_lock_t() = default; };

constexpr adopt_lock_t adpt_lock{};
constexpr defer_lock_t defer_lock{};
constexpr try_to_lock_t try_to_lock{};
// nothrow new (C++98)
struct nothrow_t { explicit nothrow_t()=default; };
nothrow_t const nothrow;

void* operator new(std::size_t sz)
	// 실패시 throw std::bad_alloc

void* operator new(std::size_t sz, std::nothrow_t) noexcept
	// 실패시 0 반환